Joke Labs
Daily Jokes and Humor Archive
Profession Jokes
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A Blind Salesman With Undressed Nun
How can you tell when a salesperson is lying?
The Dictionary: what hi-tech salespeople say and what they mean by it
Yoing Salesman Died and Can Choose Heaven or Hell
The More Cordial The Buyer's Secretary
Salesman Sell Computer to Cut Workload by Fifty Percent
Skeptic and Optimistic Salesman in Africa
Sales Manager And An Operation Manager Went Bear Hunting
Sales Assistant Sell More Than Customer Originally Came in For
How do salespeople traditionally greet each other?
Golf Ball That You Never Lose It
Salesman Have One Big Transaction
Lick Dirt if Vacuum Cleaner Cannot Remove All Dust
How many salespeople does it take to change a light bulb?
Salesman Was Demonstrating Unbreakable Combs
Salesman Died Because Heart Attack
You Might Be a Salesperson if...
Best Violin Maker
A Salesman and Genie
Give The Soul to Devil to be a Best Salesman
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