Joke Labs
Daily Jokes and Humor Archive
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Asked to Name the Greatest Invention of All Times
27 Ways to Use a Barometer to Find the Height of a Building by Douglas Grimm
Chemistry and Mathemathics is Physics
A Hydrogen Atom Lost its Electron
Teachers' Remarks that Changed the History of Physics
Heisenberg was Driving Down the Autobahn
What Albert Einstein Said About Gravitation
How many general relativists does it take to change a light bulb?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Denied Tenure After Six Productive Years at a University
You Might Be a Physicist if...
Rocket Explorer Travele Much Faster Than Light
Physics Revisited
How many radio astronomers does it take to change a light bulb?
A Simpleton's Guide to Science
After Receiving an Invitation to a Physicists' Ball:
How physicists do it...
How many astronomers does it take to change a light bulb?
Eight Ways to Use a Barometer to Find the Height of a Building:
Phisics Professor and Math Professor Work in an Emphirical Equation
How do you know that the driver driving toward you is a physicist?
Albert Einstein: Theory and Experiment
Absolute Zero
Seen on the door to a light-wave lab:
Upside Down Chart Taken by Experimentalist to Theorist
A Physics Student Was Hit by a Brick Falling From a House
Theory That The Earth Would Fall Into The Sun
How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
You enter the laboratory and see an experiment. How will you know which class is it?
Farmer Asked Physics After Get All of His Chicken Very Sick
Measure the Volume of a Cow
What's the difference between an auto mechanic and a quantum mechanic?
Useful Metric Conversions for the Mathematically Challenged
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