Laws of Work
- A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
- No one is listening until you make a mistake.
- When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
- Following the rules will not get the job done.
- Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous."
- Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.
- He who hesitates is probably right.
- You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk.
- People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
- No matter how much you do, you never do enough.
- The last person that was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong.
- When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves.
- Work is accomplished by those employees who are still striving to reach their level of incompetence.
Sent by: Joke Labs posted on 17 November 2006